2015 Year in Review with Harris Federal Law Firm

by | Dec 28, 2015

Last Updated April 11, 2024
fers federal disability

2015 will soon come to a close, and as we look forward to what the new year will bring, we also reflect on how wonderful of a year 2015 has been for the team at Harris Federal Law Firm. Here are a few of the highlights:

A Year of Webinars

In 2015, we launched the first ever Harris Federal webinar series, and we couldn’t be happier with the results. Since our inaugural webinar in August, we have hosted eight webinars with topics ranging from “Your Rights to FERS Disability Retirement,” to “Myth Busting: OWCP Worker’s Compensation.” The turnout has been wonderful, and we are so pleased with how many federal workers chose to tune in for a free learning opportunity.

We are excited to continue hosting free training webinars for federal workers throughout 2016. Sign up for our newsletter to stay updated on on future webinar events.

Over 300 Approvals

In 2015, the Harris Federal team secured over 300 FERS federal disability retirement approvals! This is over 300 federal workers who now have a benefit that provides them with a form of income to assist in their new life outside of the federal government – to allow a fresh start after years of government service. We are quite proud of this number and,  we look forward to continuing our success in 2016.

40 out of 50 States

In 2015, our team represented clients from forty different states, the District of Columbia and Japan! We love having the opportunity to work with such a diverse group of individuals, and assist federal workers across all time zones.

harris federal law firm

39 Federal Agencies

This year we represented federal workers employed by 39 different federal agencies. To name a few, we represented clients who worked for USPS, IRS, Customs and Border Patrol, FBI, TSA, The Department of Veterans Affairs, the Federal Bureau of Prisons, the Federal Air Marshall, and several others.We are very honored to earn the trust of federal employees across so many different federal agencies.

A Year of Advocacy

In October, our attorneys attended the national Workers’ Injury Law and Advocacy Group (WILG) convention in Chicago. Both Senior Attorney Brad Harris and Associate Attorney Leah Bachmeyer Kille presented training lectures to workers’ injury  lawyers from across the country about OWCP workers compensation and FERS federal disability retirement.  

Brad Harris was awarded the “Rising Star” award for his leadership and accomplishment in service to WILG, and Leah Bachmeyer Kille was competitively selected as a WILG Scholar, and will subsequently become active with the organization’s leadership for the next year.  We are so proud our attorneys for their hard work and dedication to workers’ injury law and advocacy.

Kind Words From Clients in 2015

The most rewarding aspect of 2015 was getting to help so many compassionate people fight for their rights as federal workers. Despite the medical and personal struggles so many endured, we are always amazed by how our clients remain so positive during difficult times. Your goodwill and kind words keep us going – and for that reason, we can all truly say we love our jobs.

“I want to take this time to extend my personal thanks to all of your for the excellent hard work and determination in helping me obtain my disability retirement. You kept sight on the finish line, and held me close in hand. A special thanks goes out to my [Case Manager] Meredith, for her continuous, constant and vigilant stance. She held my hand when I cried, doubted, walked the floor at night struggling with extensive medical tests and depression. She always kept the determination, faith and fight for us both. The firm always kept me informed of everything, and I totally appreciate that.The world is a better place with an excellent law firm like this to fight for the disabled federal employee.”

— G.D.B., Texas (Approved for FERS Disability Retirement on 10/29/15)

Harris Federal Law Firm

“Thank you all so much for the help you’ve given me in getting my disability retirement approved. Without you, this would not happen – period! God bless, and keep up the outstanding work!”

— K.K., New Mexico (Approved for FERS Disability Retirement on 04/27/15)

“I’m a former United States postal employee. I’ve had a hip replacement and was diagnosed with a well known disease which made my daily job very difficult. I contacted Harris Federal Law Firm two years ago to ask about federal disability retirement. I discussed my concerns with a representative, who told me I had a strong case for federal disability retirement. I was skeptical about applying. What if I lost? Would there be repercussions with my agency? I was afraid of the unknown, and told the representative that I wasn’t interested at that time. Meanwhile, my job became more and more difficult as I had to lift and carry up to 90 lbs packages, and pull and push 1800 lbs cargo. The day eventually came to where I couldn’t handle the pain any longer, and decided to call Harris Federal about officially applying for FERS disability. I was assigned a Case Manager (Candace Montgomery), who turned out to be the best person to happen to me in filing for my disability. Once my paperwork was completed, the law firm handled everything for me. I was told that it would take approximately 6 to 12 month to hear back from OPM. My disability packet was sent on October 13th, 2015, and less than a month later, I received a call saying I was approved for FERS disability retirement. I called Ms. Montgomery to inform her of the news, and she was as excited as I was. I can’t begin to thank her enough for her help.”

— W.B., Virginia  (Approved for FERS Disability Retirement on 11/12/15)

“I would just like to say thank you for guiding me and assisting me through this this most painful, worrisome and terrible time in my life. Thank you for taking the time to work with me and answer my questions when no one else really cared. I appreciate everything you have done for me. Thank you again to all! Be well, and God bless.”

— K.M., New York  (Approved for FERS Disability Retirement on 8/15/15)

So long 2015. We look forward to serving many more federal employees in the new year. It is truly a blessing and an honor to be able to offer help in their time of need.  

If you think you may qualify for federal disability retirement, and would like to speak with a case manager,  fill out our INQUIRY FORM for a free consultation.



Message us & find out if you qualify today!

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