OWCP Federal Workers’ Compensation Appeals
The legal expertise you need to get the benefits you deserve.
Has the OWCP denied your claim?
Just because you’ve been denied doesn’t mean your claim is done… You have options, let us help you get the benefits you need.
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Glendale, AZ
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The OWCP Federal Workers’ Compensation
Appeals Process
Review of Written Record
Deadline 30 days
Oral Hearing
Deadline 30 days
Deadline 1 year
Appeal to ECAB
Deadline 90 days
Option 1
Review of Written Record
Though new evidence is not necessary, you are allowed to submit any written evidence or argument deemed relevant.
Oral Hearing
This can often be a good route to take as your claim will be reviewed by a new hearing officer. Additionally, you can submit your testimony, alongside new evidence and legal arguments. These hearings can take nearly 12 months to fully process.
Note: You are only allowed one hearing and a hearing may not occur after a reconsideration.
Option 3
In this situation your are assigned a new, senior level claims examiner who reviews your claim in light of new evidence and legal arguments.
We typically find that this type of appeal moves the fastest and we have seen many successful outcomes.
Note: You can request as many reconsiderations as you would like as long as you provide new evidence or legal arguments.
Employees’ Compensation Appeals Board
If you feel the OWCP made a mistake in denying you, however you do not have new evidence or legal arguments then this path for you. ECAB will only review cases with no new evidence.
Additionally, due to appointment delays, there is currently a backlog of appeals at the ECAB.
Don’t go into the appeals process alone.
Schedule a FREE consultation today to see how we can help.
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